Details of Trading Rewards

You only need to trade NFT by Element to get ELE rewards.

1. How do trading rewards work?

  • Buyers and sellers who trade any NFT can get trading rewards, which means that any NFT you buy or sell on Element will give you rewards

  • Users who trade at Element's own trading protocol will receive more rewards, and those who purchase aggregate orders on Opensea, x2y2, LooksRare, and other platforms will also receive rewards, but the rewards will be lower than those of Element's own trading protocol

2. Will you get rewards through both buying and selling?

  • Yes, buying and selling are equally important, so they will get rewards.

3. Is that one transaction only getting one time reward?

  • No, you will get rewards for each NFT you bought

  • If you buy five NFTs at a time through the shopping cart, you will get five times trading rewards

  • Reward details

4. Trading reward rules

❗️Content update (UTC 0) 2022 / 09 / 12

The volume of NFT transactions in Element market is 1 eth, and both parties can get 25 ELE rewards; Other amounts, and so on; Minimum 1 ELE.

❗️Content update (UTC 0) 2022 / 09 / 26

The transaction volume of a single aggregated NFT is 1 ETH, and the buyer can get 2.5 ELE rewards; Other amounts, and so on; Maximum 50, minimum 0.1 ELE

5. Maximum Trading Rewards

  • Each user can obtain up to 10, 000 ELE tokens per day

Last updated