Announcement on Quantity and Rules of ELE Air Drop

Announcement on Quantity and Rules of ELE Air Drop

At 20:00 (SGT) on August 14, 2022, Element took a snapshot of the platform user address. It has been announced that 15903 addresses including Ethereum, BNB Chain, Polygon and Avalanche chain markets on the Element platform have been included in the snapshot address list.

Total airdrop

Total 18,548,840 ELE is included in this OG user airdrop.

Airdrop range

The number of Airdrops obtained by users who have traded on the Element platform before the snapshot is the sum of the following actions:

1. Element trading behavior

Total amount of ELE airdrops in this part: 15,886,380 ELE

Weight of different time periods: Element1.0 market>Element2.0 market

Element1.0 Market weight: trading volume>number of transactions

Element2.0 market weight: trading volumeBNB>Polygon>Avax

Weight of multi chain market: ETH>BNB>Polygon>Avax

2. OpenSea or Gem trading behavior

Total amount of ELE airdrops in this part: 1,420,590 ELE

Weight of transaction volume and transaction number: transaction volume>transaction number

3. Ethereum Interaction behavior

Total amount of ELE airdrops in this part:1,241,870 ELE

Positive correlation between interaction activity and number of airdrops


For the address of sybil attack and circular transaction, the weight will be calculated according to the lowest weight

Last updated