Listing an NFT for a Fixed Price

How to sell your NFT

Select My NFTs

Select the NFTS you want to sell in your wallet.

Go to the details page of the NFT and click Sell

You can also place your mouse over the NFT directly on the wallet page and click Sell below

Element supports cross-market listing, allowing you to place orders directly in multiple markets without switching markets, easily and quickly.

Currently support Element, OpenSea, LooksRare, X2Y2 and other trading markets.

Choose the time to sell, the market, the price. The system will automatically deduct platform transaction fees, creator royalties and other losses for you to calculate your expected total profit.

Right now it's 0% for Element, 2.5% for OpenSea, 2% for LooksRare, and 0.5% for X2Y2.

Click Start Listing and you'll need to confirm the listing with a transaction from your wallet.

Last updated